World: natural disasters caused $71 billion damage in first half 2016

Natural disasters and those caused by man have recorded 6,000 deaths worldwide and caused damage amounting to 71 billion dollars in the first half 2016: 36% more than the previous year. These are the results of the Sigma study released today by the Swiss insurance group Swiss Re.

Only natural disasters have caused damage to 68 billion dollars, an increase of 48% compared to 2015. The figure is still well below the average of the last 10 years, which amounted to $ 102 billion while the number of deaths falling.

Among the major catastrophes of these first six months, the study cites the huge fire of May in Fort McMurray, Canada, with damage totaling 3.6 billion dollars and 2.5 billion covered by insurance, one of the most expensive fire forest of the story, as written by Swiss Re. During the reporting period the insurance companies had to pay a total of $ 31 billion, an increase of 51% compared to a year ago, according to provisional figures. The losses covered by insurance due to natural disasters reached 28 billion (+ 75%), those due to accidents caused by man fell by a third to $ 3 billion.

The violent storms that hit the United States in the spring caused damage for 9 billion dollars, while the cost of the floods in France and Germany amounted to 4 billion.
The earthquake that shook Japan in April, with a budget of 64 deaths, caused damage between 22 and 48 billion dollars, of which 5.6 billion covered by insurance. The earthquake that hit the equator regions has done his part 668 victims. Given the relatively low coverage rate in the Central American countries, insured losses amounted in this case to 400 million dollars.