Switzerland: ads jobs showed growth in supply chain in June

The Michael Page Swiss Job Index recorded an increase in advertised jobs of 1.2% between May to June 2017. During the period from March-June 2017 the number of advertised jobs grew 4.4%. The increase in advertised jobs was led by the Swiss plateau which showed a monthly increase of 3.1% in June.

According to Michael Page, the increase in the number of jobs posted was driven by the transportation, logistics and supply chain category, with year-on-year growth up to 33.6% and a monthly growth of 9.2%, depending on the position. The IT sector also continued its growth, with systems specialist positions posting an increase of 52.8% year-on-year and 6.6% between May and June 2017.

"The demand for logistics specialists is stimulated both by the growth of the export sector and a demand for customers who want to make purchases through multiple channels – online, on site with digital and traditional goods output options,” Charles Franier, Executive Director at Michael Page, said. “This led to a growing importance of jobs related to the supply chain and a higher demand of experts in Enterprise Resource Planning systems to better integrate areas of sales, planning, production and delivery. In addition, companies strengthen their supply chain centres and logistics in Switzerland, due to its recognized leadership position in this area and the possibility of finding locally perfectly qualified and experienced candidates. "

The German speaking region grew by +1.6% compared with the Swiss Romande (-1.0%). The Mid-region showed the highest monthly growth in advertised jobs (+3.1%) compared with the Lake Geneva region which posted a decline in advertised jobs (-2.3%).


Winning Job Categories Monthly (May – June 2017) Year-to-Date Growth (June 2016 – June 2017)
1. Transport and Logistics Specialists +9.2%  +33.6%
2. Inventory Planners +7.0% +31.5%
3. IT (systems specialists) +6.6% +52.8%
4. Export Specialists +6.4% +23.4%
5. Purchasing Specialists +5.8% +11.2%


Sources: Michael Page Swiss Job Index June 2017