Bundesbank cheaf Weidmann invites ECB to move interest rates

The president of the Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann believes that the ECB can not stand still for too long: "Under no circumstances can interest rates remain so low for longer than is absolutely necessary with regard to price stability" he said on Monday.
The number one of the German Central Bank also does not take sides in a positive way towards extension of the quantitative-easing plan, which will expire in March 2017, but at the same time makes it clear they do not want to take for granted such a decision.
The central bank can't solve all problems and the role of supervisor should be left to someone else, Weidmann told several newspapers in a joint interview. He said supervision could be a conflict of objectives because a central bank could now be the main creditor of a bank and be forced to liquidate it. Raising interest rates that could hurt a bank would also be a tough decision.
He was asked about succeeding Mario Draghi but said it wouldn't be appropriate to discuss.