Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
La blockchain et son impact sur le monde de la finance
La blockchain et son impact sur le monde de la finance
@ Auditorium de la FER
May 3 @ 8:30 – 14:00
Dans l’objectif de réfléchir ensemble aux effets de la transformation digitale et d’imaginer l’évolution possible de modèles d’affaires, la plate-forme Connected Event a été créée. La Direction générale du[...]
CryptoPolis a Mendrisio – Presentazione di una nuova ICO e ICORace
CryptoPolis a Mendrisio – Presentazione di una nuova ICO e ICORace
@ Hotel Coronado
May 7 @ 18:45 – 20:30
Il prossimo 7 Maggio si terrà il Terzo Meetup organizzato dall’associazione svizzera CryptoPolis. Durante la serata verranno presentate nuove ICO e progetti dell’ambito blockchain e cryptocurrency. All’evento presenteranno : Sgame[...]
FinTechStage Festival 2018 – AI is Everywhere
FinTechStage Festival 2018 – AI is Everywhere
@ Talent Garden Calabiana
May 8 @ 8:00 – 13:00
The FinTechStage Festival 2018 will explore the themes of Fintech, Regtech, Insurtech, AI, in a week long roadshow across Rome, Milan and Turin, Italy. As always, our mission is to help[...]
The FinTechStage Festival – Deloitte Emea Fintech Talks
The FinTechStage Festival – Deloitte Emea Fintech Talks
@ Deloitte Greenhouse Italia
May 8 @ 14:30 – 19:00
The impact of open banking from the point of view of Banks, Fintechs and customers. Let’s discover the experiences of the most important players and the startups’ success stories attending[...]
8° Forum Nazionale sulla consulenza finanziaria
8° Forum Nazionale sulla consulenza finanziaria
@ Palazzo Mezzanotte -
May 16 all-day
Il Forum si focalizza sul tema della consulenza finanziaria indipendente anche alla luce degli sviluppi della regolamentazione e della tecnologia applicata ai servizi di investimento. I principali temi che verranno[...]
PIR: Capitali alternativi alla ricerca delle PMI
PIR: Capitali alternativi alla ricerca delle PMI
@ Sala Conferenze - Palazzo Turati
May 16 @ 9:00 – 13:00
Focus PMI è l’osservatorio annuale sulle Piccole e Medie Imprese italiane promosso da LS Lexjus Sinacta e realizzato con la collaborazione dell’Istituto Prometeia. Scopo dell’iniziativa è stimolare, proponendo ogni[...]
Il trust nel diritto svizzero
Il trust nel diritto svizzero
@ Centro Studi Bancari - Villa Negroni
May 16 @ 17:00 – 19:30
Il Postulato “Esame dell’opportunità di una normativa in materia di Trusts” è stato approvato dal Consiglio Nazionale il 27.02.2017: “Il Consiglio federale è incaricato di esaminare …., l’opportunità di adottare[...]
11th Richmond financial industry forum
11th Richmond financial industry forum
@ Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa
May 17 – May 19 all-day
This conference programme aims to give senior industry professionals access to new ideas, solutions and innovations to help take their departments and companies forward. The agenda is pitched at a[...]
Wirtschaft 2030: Visionen für die Zukunft
Wirtschaft 2030: Visionen für die Zukunft
May 17 all-day
Der technologische und kulturelle Wandel hat durch die Digitalisierung an Geschwindigkeit gewonnen. Gleichzeitig überdauern Unternehmen in Mitteleuropa heute kaum noch länger als 20 Jahre. Der stete Wandel im Kontext der[...]
Ladies in e-Commerce & Digital 2018
Ladies in e-Commerce & Digital 2018
@ Ginetta Headquarters
May 17 @ 14:00 – 18:00
Offering a female perspective on the world of e-Commerce in Switzerland, “Ladies in e-Commerce and Digital” is a conference bringing together some of the most important businesswomen in the industry for[...]
Swiss Private Equity Conference 2018
Swiss Private Equity Conference 2018
@ Park Hyatt Hotel
May 18 all-day
The Swiss PE Conference gathers together more than 50 speakers and 250 attendees for a day of unrivalled networking. Private Equity Funds, Limited Partners, Fund of Funds, Venture Capitalists, CEOs of[...]
SPAC Special Purpose Acquisition Company – Seminario Riservato Soci AIAF
SPAC Special Purpose Acquisition Company – Seminario Riservato Soci AIAF
May 22 @ 17:30 – 19:00
Stefano Lustig • Responsabile Ufficio Studi e Consigliere di Amministrazione Equita Sim Carlo Gentili • Amministratore Delegato Nextam Partners SpA, Socio AIAF Seminario gratuito con iscrizione obbligatoria: AIAF [...]
Blockchain 2018
Blockchain 2018
@ Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue
May 23 all-day
In atemberaubendem Tempo hat die digitale Transformation eine Branche nach der anderen erfasst. Kontinuierliche Veränderung ist für weitsichtige Entscheidungsträger das Gebot der Stunde. Als nächste umwälzende Technologie wird die[...]
Incontro con le autorità antiriciclaggio (FINMA, MROS, MPC): problematiche operative
Incontro con le autorità antiriciclaggio (FINMA, MROS, MPC): problematiche operative
@ Centro Studi Bancari
May 23 @ 13:30 – 17:30
L’attività di lotta al riciclaggio, ovvero l’attività “classica” di prevenzione dei rischi da parte dei compliance officer, si evolve e si aggiorna tramite modifiche legislative o regolamentari che, naturalmente,[...]
Exchange Traded Product Day 2018
Exchange Traded Product Day 2018
@ SIX ConventionPoint
May 24 @ 8:15 – 16:00
Am Exchange Traded Product Day (ETPD) treffen professionelle Investoren auf Produktanbieter. Der ETPD ist die perfekte Plattform für Investoren, die sich über Produktinnovationen und Anlagethemen informieren möchten. Im Fokus[...]
Protection des données : les défis pratiques
Protection des données : les défis pratiques
@ Hôtel Le Richemond
May 24 @ 8:45 – 16:00
Quelles implications de la future loi LPD et du RGPD sur les traitements des données des clients et des employés ? Quelles conséquences sur le travail des compliance officers ?[...]
Have Central Banks become too powerful in democracies?
Have Central Banks become too powerful in democracies?
@ University of Geneva, room M S150
May 24 @ 17:30 – 18:30
Conference with Sir Paul Tucker. Sir Paul Tucker is chair of the Systemic Risk Council, and a fellow at Harvard Kennedy School. His book Unelected Power: The Quest for[...]
SECA Workshop Venture Capital
SECA Workshop Venture Capital
@ ETH - Niederer Kraft & Frey
May 25 – May 26 all-day
Wir zeigen auf, was Venture Capital im Unterschied zu anderen Assetklassen ist, welche Märkte es gibt, wie Venture Capital funktioniert, welches die wichtigsten Marktplayer und deren Geschäftsmodelle sind, wie[...]
Belt & Road: opportunità per la Svizzera nell’ambito della Nuova Via della Seta
Belt & Road: opportunità per la Svizzera nell’ambito della Nuova Via della Seta
@ Hotel Splendide Royal
May 28 @ 15:00 – 18:00
Programma 14:30 – REGISTRAZIONE 15:00 – SALUTI ISTITUZIONALI Rappresentante Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Svizzera 15:15 – INTERVENTI – Moderatore: Corrado Bianchi Porro (Giornale del Popolo) – Riccardo Fuochi (Vice[...]
Geneva – an introduction to the Power Tools of MetaStock
Geneva – an introduction to the Power Tools of MetaStock
@ Tiffany Hôte
May 28 @ 18:00 – 20:00
This session will show you how MetaStock’s Power Tools will help find the answers to your questions and reveal the best approaches that fit you.
Lugano Commodity & Shipping Club – Networking Dinner
Lugano Commodity & Shipping Club – Networking Dinner
@ The View Lugano Hotel
May 28 @ 18:30 – 22:00
The Lugano Commodity & Shipping Club Networking Dinner represents a unique networking opportunity for those who are involved in this business sector in the Ticino area. By joining us, you can meet other professionals, discuss main issues[...]
Power Tools of MetaStock – 29th May ´18 @ Zurich
Power Tools of MetaStock – 29th May ´18 @ Zurich
@ Volkshochschule Zürich AG
May 29 @ 18:00
Part One: Finding the right strategy for you. Given the hundreds of indicators and trading strategies to choose from, how do we know which to choose? Do I want a[...]
Lugano – an introduction to the Power Tools of MetaStock
Lugano – an introduction to the Power Tools of MetaStock
@ Hotel Federale
May 30 @ 14:30 – 17:30
This session will show you how MetaStock’s Power Tools will help to choose the indicators and trading strategies and the best approaches that fit your risk tolerance and investment goals.
Workshop – Infrastructure Investments & Energiestrategie 2050
Workshop – Infrastructure Investments & Energiestrategie 2050
@ Kapitalmarkt Forum Schweiz
May 30 @ 15:00 – 18:30
Die Energiewende ist ein Megatrend, welcher vom heutigen System mit hohen Brennstoff- und Betriebskosten zu einem Energiesystem mit niedrigeren Brennstoffkosten aber erheblichen Investitionsausgaben führen wird. Die Schweiz wie die EU[...]
GFSI 2018 – Un investissement responsable en soutien de la transition économique
GFSI 2018 – Un investissement responsable en soutien de la transition économique
@ Hôtel Richemond
May 31 all-day
Un investissement responsable en soutien de la transition économique Il est désormais acquis que les places financières suisse et genevoise sont des acteurs incontestables de l’industrie financière durable. La plupart[...]