Cyber guru McAfee is quite "hard" bullish over Bitcoin’s price

Price predictions in the Bitcoin world are always rather interesting. Especially considering how the price turned very bearish over the weekend. Cybersecurity guru John McAfee feels one Bitcoin can become worth as much as half a million Dollars in three years. However, he is quite confident his prediction will come true. He has avidly followed the recent price momentum and shared his opinions on the price dip. In fact, he was one of the first to acknowledge this was a mere technical correction.

And McAfee is very sure that tweeted to one of his followers today that if his predictions fail to materialize, he will dine on his own penis in front of everyone. McAfee made the comment after saying bitcoin will move above $500,000 within three years.

He said, “Bitcoin’s low of $1,800+ yesterday simply could not be maintained. In the long term Bitcoin moves above $500,000 within three years. Bets?” Shortly after making the comment, one of his followers responded, “So 1btc 500k $ within 3years?” McAfee’s response was "hard": "if not, I will eat my d*** on national television."

Needless to say, these public figures and many others are predicting an extremely bullish ride over the next few years for bitcoin. It will be interesting to see how everything pans out, especially when promises of eating one’s own phallus are made publicly in defense of bitcoin’s predicted gains.

Many people feel we will see a US$5,000 BTC price soon enough, although that is still well out of reach right now. No one would mind seeing one Bitcoin become worth half a million by 2020. Whether or not that is even remotely realistic, remains to be determined.