Economiesuisse: optimistic forecasts, the GDP of 1.3%

Cautiously optimistic about the prospects for the Swiss economy, economiesuisse revises up slightly its growth forecast for the current year. The GDP should grow 1.3% in 2016 and 1.7% in 2017.
The subsequent monetary shock to the abandonment by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) of the floor rate binding franc and euro, has been largely overcome, economiesuisse wrote Monday. Nearly a year and a half after the decision of the central bank, the Swiss economy is doing surprisingly well overall.

Last December the Swiss Business Federation foresaw growth of 1.2% for 2016. Displaying great determination, the companies have adapted with surprising speed with the new framework conditions.

Among the solutions, economiesuisse says including process optimization, review of purchase channels, the increased investment, the temporary increase in working hours, hiring freezes and also downsizing and relocations abroad. Taking advantage of the slight weakening of the franc,  the worst scenarios wasn't realized.

The cautious evolution of the global economy prevents a more sustained recovery, but the current trend has the merit of bringing stability. Therefore, economiesuisse expects an improvement in consumer sentiment over the year. After a smooth start, the economy looks up and growth of new approaches of the rates recorded in Germany.

The level of risks to economic developments, economiesuisse essentially mentions the growth of the global economy, not strong at present. New setbacks, particularly in Asia, can not be excluded. A possible "Brexit" represents the most imminent danger, it may cause cyclical downturn.