ETH Zurich remains top University for reputation in Europe

The Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings 2017 rank the universities that academics believe excel in teaching and research. 

A questionnaire was sent to a selection of experienced published scholars, between January 2017 and March 2017, asking them to offer their views on the standards of teaching and research in their disciplines and in institutions that they are familiar with. The responses were then used to determine which universities were considered the most prestigious. The full methodology of the THE World Reputation Rankings can be found here.

Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University retain the top three places this year, with their positions unchanged from last year.

The top 10 is dominated by US universities except for the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, which share joint fourth place.
Switzerland’s federal technology institute ETH Zurich has the best reputation in continental Europe; it placed 22nd, behind mostly US and UK universities but ahead of any other institution in continental Europe. Switzerland’s Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) also made it into the top 50, at 45th.

China is one of the standout performers: Tsinghua University enters the top 15 for the first time, jumping four places to 14th, while Peking University makes its debut in the top 20, climbing four places to 17th.  

The World Reputation Rankings are based on an invitation-only academic reputation survey that targets experienced, published scholars who offer their views on excellence in research and teaching within their disciplines and at institutions with which they are familiar.

The survey, which was carried out between January and March, received a total of 10,566 responses from 137 countries. Available in 15 languages, it uses United Nations data as a guide to ensure that the response coverage is as representative of world scholarship as possible. Surveys also are evenly spread across academic disciplines.