Juncker warns Italy about Stability Pact

The President of European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, sends a strong and clear message to the Italian government: enough with the flexibility required because "in the Stability Pact, which must be an agreement of flexibility, have already introduced several elements of flexibility fighting against who you know "and without which elements"this year Italy could have spent 19 billion less".

Juncker spoke to the plenary session of the EESC, the European Economic and Social Committee, recalling also that "We have introduced a clause on investment, and Italy is the only country to benefit. The stability pact is not stupid, as my predecessor said. Because the figures prove it and why we have included the elements of flexibility to make it work. The pact works and is in force. It is said that I have turned the pact stability pact flexibility. It is not true. There is some truth because we have added a dimension of flexibility that makes sure that the deal closely follows the macro economic development of Europe, but the pact is in place and it works. "

Last week, in his State of the Union, the president of the EU Commission had attacked the purists demanding that the Stability Pact does not become the pact of stupidity, while the other side had warned the doves with the concept reiterated today: "The pact is not flexible".

In his speech, talking about the refugee crisis, however, he has not failed to make its appreciation towards Italy as well as Greece and Malta, claiming the duty of assistance from the EU. He stressed that "there is still too much unemployment, although Europe has created 8 million jobs" and "the employment rate is close to that of the United States" when some years ago was "lower than 5 points' .