Malta among most tax compliant countries

“Malta is amongst the most tax compliant countries. Indicators just published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) portray Malta as a tax compliant jurisdiction. This is exactly what we have been stating all along in the face of unfair criticism by uninformed or malicious quarters. Thus, while we intend to continue to be one of the competitive choices in the Mediterranean for investors, we are resolute to keep to the best international standards on taxation matters.” This was stated by Minister for Finance Professor Edward Scicluna in response to the 2017 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) International Tax Co-Operation Report.
The OECD has recently introduced a new interactive tax map, which provides information on the results of peer reviews of over 140 countries on how they are addressing issues related to tax transparency and Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). OECD’s assessment is based on three main pillars, whereby it looks at the jurisdiction’s co-operation when it comes to Exchange of Information on Request (EOIR), Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) and the BEPS initiative outcomes.
As an overview, results show that Malta is quite successful in this regard. With regards to Malta, the OECD indicators show the absence of harmful tax practices in relation to BEPS, as well as a strong commitment in relation to tax cooperation in general. For Automatic Exchange of Information, Malta has commenced exchanging information in line with the Common Reporting Standard and has an activated information exchange network in relation to Country by Country Reporting for multinational enterprises. Moreover, Malta is ranked as being largely compliant when it comes to the Exchange of Information on Request.
The OECD assesses tax regimes in relation to intellectual property rights, financing and leasing, banking and insurance, distribution and service centres, shipping, holding companies and fund management regimes. In relation to Malta, this assessment shows that there are no “harmful features” for the purpose of base erosion and profit shifting.
“The OECD report clearly shows that Malta has been upholding the international agreed standards and providing the necessary exchange of information for investigations when it comes to tax related issues”, concluded Minister Scicluna.
Article provided by:
Finance Malta
Malta Financial Services Authority
Bank Of Valletta