Pokemon Go vs Netflix and Facebook: who will win the challenge

Pokemon Go is certainly the game of summer 2016 and the overall success has attracted the attention of social media experts to evaluate their effects, whereas so far as many as 100 million people in the world to have the download completes.
The Canadian magazine Global News has therefore commissioned Ipsos survey to understand the level of Pokemon Go pervasiveness leisure of his countrymen: the Nintendo app is competing directly with other pastimes such as Netflix or Facebook.

On 1,100 respondents from the research, almost 30% said they spend time every day to hunt Pokemon covering a total average of 13 kilometers. Most players belong to the 18-34 demographic, followed by those 13-17 years. These were asked how much time to devote Pokémon Go a week, and this is the result.

It was then asked respondents what they would do if they had not existed the summer cool application. 65% of players would spend the time watching Netflix, while 53.5% would take advantage to use Facebook: very interesting numbers for the managers of the two companies.

From one point of view Facebook and Pokemon Go have similar elements: both of which have a huge social impact and managed to bring people together in an original way. Obviously Facebook for many is part of everyday life and stands in the various interstices newspapers, including an appointment and the other, while both Netflix Pokemon Go require more attention and effort. On the other hand the latter has some distinctive features: port users around the cities, and, by its very playful building, also has an element of motivation and self-realization.

Surely the creation of Nintendo can boast some point lead at the time, but also a limit for the future, as the reality apps always require new and innovative updates, while Facebook is both Netflix already have a well-defined and their direction is very clear.