Some major credit card providers are using artificial intelligence to make it easier to not just choose your rewards, but offer the rewards consumers want the most. In this drive […]
That is according to a new report from Hampleton Partners, which reveals that FinTech investment reached a record $31bn (£24bn) in 2018, compared with $15bn over the previous year. It […]
The rise of artificial intelligence in the modern world is affecting more than just the way was our communication, how we buy products and services from businesses, and how we […]
The banking sector now mainly consists of computers and networks, which might be shocking to some. Most of the world’s wealth is stored in databases and each transaction is simply […]
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a big idea with an equally big opportunity. AI is slated to add $15.7 trillion to global gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030, according to […]
According to financial research firm Autonomous, artificial intelligence (AI) will introduce more than $1trillion (£782bn) in cost savings by 2030, representing 22pc of banks’ current expense load. Many banks, however, […]
National technology investment strategies are hard to define let alone pass through complicated legislative bodies, like the US Congress, even when there’s a declared war that threatens a country’s financial […]
A scientist has warned AI will eventually make doctors ‘obsolete’. Artificial intelligence has a ‘near unlimited capacity’ to diagnose diseases and perform surgery more accurately than medics, according to Dr […]
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