Global growth is likely to return to form
Despite the current weakness in economic figures, particularly in Europe, and a near-inversion of the US yield curve, global growth is likely to return to form in the second half […]
Despite the current weakness in economic figures, particularly in Europe, and a near-inversion of the US yield curve, global growth is likely to return to form in the second half […]
Faced with numerous external shocks, the resilience of domestic demand in the Eurozone is largely based on the improvement of labour market conditions. The risk is that, as gloom sets […]
Production is the core to investigate economic policymaking in Michael H Best’s latest book, How Growth Really Happens, published by Princeton University Press. Best, son of a labor organizer, starts […]
Despite some concerns around the start of last year, and the political shocks that unfolded over the course of the past 12 months, 2016 actually turned out to be quite a good year for investors, with most asset classes rising in value. But what can we expect over 2017, and how should investors approach the coming year? In this short outlook document we outline what we expect over the year ahead and set out what we believe could be the best-performing asset classes in each of our main scenarios.
Many of the policy changes that populist politicians are calling for could feasibly support economic growth.
Don’t forget equities are a real asset class, and ultimately they are likely to benefit from a reflation regime