
Hungary is buying gold

For the first time since 1986, Hungary’s central bank is buying gold—in bulk. Tuesday, the Eastern-European country announced that it had boosted its gold reserves ten-fold, up to 31.5 tons […]

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Hungary wants to ban Heineken’s Red Star

The Hungarian government is allegedly backing out of a draft bill that would ban the use of what it calls “totalitarian symbols” for commercial purposes. It will go to extreme lengths to achieve its goal, which may have consequences for Heineken, because the brand’s iconic red star is a target.

Under the bill symbols such as the swastika, the arrow cross, the sickle and hammer and the red star would be banned for commercial use 30 days after it is approved by Parliament. Violating the ban after January 1, 2018 would constitute a criminal offence. Anyone in breach of the proposed law could face a fine of 2bn forint (€6.5m) and two years’ jail.

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