Debt and Petrodollars

While the stock market seems to be hiccupping and frightening the bulls, the turmoil in Saudi Arabia has attracted the notice of the financial world because the agreement between Saudi Arabia and the US regarding the use of the dollar as the preferred currency for oil transactions may be coming to an end or at least about to be changed significantly. The rapprochement with China and Russia has received widespread publicity, and MBS, the Crown Prince, is bent on bringing change and progress to the Kingdom. Allowing women to drive provided that they are accompanied by a family member is revolutionary for the Middle East country. One can therefore assume that MBS is serious about his undertaking to bring the future closer and establish a new modern city in the desert.

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The Fall of the US Dollar

This Newsletter has repeatedly brought the attention of readers to the situation of the US dollar and the extreme indebtedness of Washington, which now practically has a national debt of 20 trillion without calculating all the other liabilities. Proposing a defense budget of almost 700 billion to maintain over 800 bases globally is going to help lead to national bankruptcy.

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