Venture Capital

Accenture’s research considers AI will help job market within 2020

The Accenture Strategy report, Reworking the Revolution: Are you ready to compete as intelligent technology meets human ingenuity to create the future workforce?, estimates that if businesses invest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human-machine collaboration at the same rate as top performing companies, they could boost revenues by 38 percent by 2022 and raise employment levels by 10 percent. Collectively, this would lift profits by US$4.8 trillion globally over the same period. For the average S&P500 company, this equates to US$7.5 billion of revenues and a US$880 million lift to profitability.

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Scientists are closer to a blood test to detect eight types of cancer

The aim of the test, CancerSEEK is called, is to catch the disease early and save lives. In a study Thursday in the journal Science, Johns Hopkins University scientists looked to see how well their experimental test detected cancer in people already known to have the disease. The blood tests found about 70 percent of eight common types of cancer in the 1,005 patients. The rates varied depending on the type – lower for breast tumors but high for ovarian, liver and pancreatic ones.

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Alibaba’s robots are better than humans in reading test

First, they beat us at chess. Then it was Go. Now it’s basic reading comprehension. The robots are coming.

Alibaba says its deep neural network model has outscored humans in a global reading test, paving the way for the underlying technology to reduce the need for human input. The Chinese tech giant’s research unit, Institute of Data Science of Technologies (IDST), said it had developed a deep-learning model that attained a score of 82.44 in Exact Match on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD). Humans had clocked a previous score of 82.304, it said.

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Switzerland is the european Silicon Valley for Indian robotics company

Switzerland has been ranked for the past seven years as the world’s most innovative country by Cornell, the World Intellectual Property Organization and the INSEAD Business School.

So, Indian IT companies up North are looking up to Switzerland for the technical know-how in Robotics; economists consider Switzerland could emerge as a competitor to California, given the availability of technology, people and funding in Switzerland which are fuelling the robotics sector.

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Artificial intelligence could change the art of investing

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already changed some activities, including parts of finance like fraud prevention, but not yet fund management and stock-picking. That seems odd: machine learning, a subset of AI that excels at finding patterns and making predictions using reams of data, looks like an ideal tool for the business. Yet well-established “quant” hedge funds in London or New York are often sniffy about its potential. In San Francisco, however, where machine learning is so much part of the furniture the term features unexplained on roadside billboards, a cluster of upstart hedge funds has sprung up in order to exploit these techniques.

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Microsoft investing $50 million to Change the World with "AI for Earth” Project

Microsoft is spending $50 million over the next five years on making artificial intelligence technologies (AI) available to researchers and organizations that are working to protect and improve the environment.

The initiative is part of an expansion of the software giant’s AI for Earth program. First announced in July, the environmental technology initially was primarily focused on agriculture, biodiversity, water scarcity, and of course, climate change. In October, the program was expanded to include the research involving the world’s oceans and the problems affecting them, including pollution, rising sea levels and increasing acidity.

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Google releases an AI tool to make more clear human genome

Google announced Monday an open source version of DeepVariant, the artificial intelligence tool that last year earned the highest accuracy rating at the precisionFDA’s Truth Challenge.

The open source tool comes as academic medical centers, hospitals, insurance companies and other healthcare organizations are gearing up for if not already embarking on artificial intelligence, cognitive computing and machine learning as well as precision medicine and the genomic sequencing that entails.

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