USA Presidential: Clinton and Trump, different transparency in tax matters

The race for the White House is also a challenge shots of declarations (of income). While Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill said they had earned $ 10.6 million in 2015 and have paid taxes of 3.6 million, the Republican rival Donald Trump refuses to disclose its data. That means their effective tax rate, a measure of their income tax burden, was 30.6% based on their adjusted gross income.

The revenue derived mainly from speeches, from books and the couple counseling (6 million for Bill and Hillary for 4). Between 2007 and 2014 for their activities the Clintons have grossed 139.1 million, before taxes, which contributed 43.9 million (31.6% effective tax rate). The net result of 2015 is still lower than in 2014, when the couple grossed 27.9 million, its highest ever.

Clinton's campaign also released 10 years of returns from running mate Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton. Over the last decade, the couple has donated 7.5 percent of their income to charity, the campaign said, and paid an effective tax rate of 25.6 percent last year.

The initiative of Clinton, who also plans to publish the income of past years of family, contradicts the choice of Trump does not want to make public their income. Unlike what happened in the last 40 years of presidential races, Republican tycoon justifies the choice with the fact of being audited by the Internal Revenue Service and as long as it is under investigation may refuse to produce any information on its financial situation. However, the verification is expected to close after the Nov. 8 election day, leaving empty-handed the legitimate curiosity of the electorate.