World Wealth Report, wealth shifts to Asia

The very wealthy have increased in the world. The World Wealth Report 2016 that defines them HNWIs, high net worth individuals are those who have a personal fortune of more than $ 1 million.

In 2015 they have individually at least achieved this share of wealth 15.4 million persons (+ 4.9%). The Report, published by Capgemini, notes that the world's wealth license plate HNWIs reached in 2015 the 58.7 trillion dollars. If the growth rate were to remain, the global wealth will reach by 2025 to 100 trillion.

Among the areas where wealth has grown more is Asia-Pacific, where the increase was 10%, the region with the highest concentration of HNWIs wealth globally, both in terms of absolute value of the assets held, both in terms of population. Asia-Pacific area – the WWR report specifies – in 2015 the HNWIs wealth reached 17.4 trillion dollars, while the number of millionaires has exceeded 5.1 million, against 4.8 million people in North America. They hold a total assets of 16.6 trillion dollars. In 2015 – the report continues – those with assets of over one million dollars have shown more confidence in the asset management company (+17 points) and financial markets (+30 points) compared to the previous 12 months. Managers and their managers, however – the report says -, they have yet to acquire the majority of HNWIs investable assets. In 2015, 35% of HNWI wealth was of liquid nature, deposited in bank accounts or in the form of cash while the left to individual portfolio managers is 32%.

In this year on global wealth report also it highlights growing worldwide demand for digital services. Only in 2015 the license plate HNWIs demand recorded an increase of nearly 20 points, from 49% to 67%. "The report – concludes Capgemini – confirms that the most successful companies will be those capable of taking bold steps to overcome resistance to change and to become part of a world that increasingly values more digital interactions."