
Facebook’ diversity report shows modest growth of Women employees

Globally, the number of women working at Facebook has risen to 35 percent, up from 33 percent in 2016 while their number in the technical department has risen by two per cent in the past year to 19 percent, the company said.

According to a Facebook blog post on Wednesday, women now make up 27 percent of all new graduate hires in engineering and 21 percent of all new technical hires at Facebook.

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Humanity already spent Earth’s 2017 budget by 2 August

August 2 marks this year’s Earth Overshoot Day – the day the world’s consumption of resources exceeds its capacity to regenerate those resources that year.

At the Global Footprint Network NGO, researchers have determined that August 2nd is 2017’s Earth Overshoot Day – the day we have consumed more ecological resources than the earth can regenerate this year. Think of it as going over budget and running up a debt.

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London is facing Brexit impact on economy, research says

Research by think tank the Centre for London concludes that the looming EU exit could be a factor in reducing numbers of Europeans coming to the capital to work, a slowdown in job creation, declining business confidence and decelerating house price growth.

The report underlined an economic slowdown included deteriorating house prices and plummeting business confidence, coinciding with a drop in the numbers of Europeans registering to work.

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US survey reveals the best tippers for your shop

Only half of restaurant tippers fall within the gratuity sweet spot of 16 to 20 percent, according to a new report by The study, a survey conducted last month, examined tipping behavior at restaurants, hotels, coffee shops and hair salons. It sampled 1,002 adults who used cash, credit or debit cards.

It found that the most generous tippers in the U.S. are Republican men who live in the Northeast and use a credit or debit card. They generally tip at a median of 20 percent when dining at a sit-down restaurant.

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